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Voice Signature
is Here!

Also available:
 E signature or Signature Pad

Rates, Underwriting Guides & Marketing Materials

HOT! Rate Reductions on Plan G in:

AL, AR, AZ, GA, IA, IN, MI, NE, PA, SC, TX, and UT

No Policy Fee
AM Best "A" Excellent
10% Household Discount

Must reside in the past year with one adult
(no more than 3) age 60+

Initial Draft Dates

Issue Date - If the app is approved on a weekend or a holiday , the draft will occur on the folowing business day. If you select the effective date, for example the 8th but the *th falls on a Saturday, the draft will occur on Monday the 10th.
Commissions Paid on issue of policy AND receipt of initial premium
Telephone Interviews on U/W as needed. Let your clients know that they may be called to verify information on the application

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