Gordon Marketing has added yet another reason to attend the Rock Enroll 12th Annual AEP Kick Off!
In One Morning Session Agents Can Earn the:
Final Expense Planning Specialist Designation (FEPS)
Thursday, August 16th from 9:00am - 12:00pm
The day before our AEP Kickoff!
Gordon Marketing Training Room
Gordon Marketing has added yet another reason to attend the Rock Enroll 12th Annual AEP Kick Off!
In One Morning Session Agents Can Earn the:
Final Expense Planning Specialist Designation (FEPS)
Thursday, August 16th from 9:00am - 12:00pm
The day before our AEP Kickoff!
Gordon Marketing Training Room
Award Winning Insurance FMO
"Family is not an important thing, it's everything"
A##P Branded Medicare Supplement

Lifetime Renewals Are Here
Get the details on this revolution in agent compensation for Medicare Supplements!
Starts with apps written June 1, 2018
in select states.
Did You Know:
More People Own This Med Supp Than Any Other Carrier in the Nation!
9 Month Commission Advance, Next 3 Month Paid As Earned
There is no option not to be advanced and there is no choice of 6 or 12 months advance.
House Hold Discount for Medicare Supplement: 5% most states
Both must apply for a policy to get the household discount
Age 65 or older
One spouse must be A##P Member (may enroll at time of application)
Don't factor in discount in 1st month's premium, let A##P adjust it after app is submitted
If one spouse later dies, divorces or otherwise loses their coverage, the discount remains
Disability - Med Supps Under Age 65
Commission is only paid in the following states and full commission applies:
CA ( during the first six months of Part B enrollment for a beneficiary on DI)
CO, FL, IL, KS, ME (OE and GI only), MO, MT, OR, PA,WI
MAPD Plan Exits (SARS) - Commission is reduced 50% except in the following states: CO, CT, MA, MO ,NY, OR, SC, VT AND WA
Trial Rights is two Years! CMS only requires one year, but carriers can be more lenient and only AARP is.
Common Question: "If my client moves from Plan F to a Plan N will my commissions be reduced?" No. A##P doesn't pay commission as a % of the premium like every other carrier so plan switches don't result in a commission adjustment.
If you sell Plan K, L, M or N with any other company, your commission is greatly reduced. UHC pays a flat fee on all plans!
No Other Carrier In The Nation Offers This:
See the agent handbook section on Underwriting to find the rules for your clients to move between plans without underwriting! Just call customer service and they can move your client for the 1st of the following month. Your client must have an active A##P membership in force. The agent can facilitate this by taking a new application and faxing it in.
A2O Agent Rewards Program
Agents must certify annually. No other Med Supp requires certification but this is very good training because UHC rates differently. It doesn't take very long and is worth a refresher annually.
<<Annual Production Requirement>> Agents must submit 5 applications each year or your contract to sell the Medicare Supplement will be deactivated for a year. If you are deactivated twice, you are unable to sell again.
Why does UHC have this requirement? Agents who sell fewer than 5 polices a year are more likely to make errors as they are not concentrating in the Senior market.
They also offer additional health/well programs called:
1. At Your Best in TX, WA, MO & MI
2. DiMe in AL, MD, NJ, KY,OR & TX. This program offers different types of events to members.
At Your Best and DiMe are personalized wellness programs available at no cost for members with an A##P Medicare Supplement.
Value Added Services
Because Medicare supplement plans are standardized, one of the ways (aside from premium) that plans can be differentiated in the market is through value-added services.
Plan members can receive the following additional services at no additional cost. These services are separate from the Medicare supplement plan benefits, may be discontinued at any time and vary by state.
Note: Agents cannot discuss value-added services during pre-sales to residents of Kansas and New York.

When Your Clients Move
If your client moves to a state that you are not licensed in, UHC will continue to pay your renewal commissions!
Just call the PHD and report your client's new address. Your client's rates will be adjusted to their new zipcode.

Moving to Plan G?
With the new Plan G available as of 7/2017 in many states, there are clients on older plans that may want to move.
Call us about the rules. It depends on how old their current.